I'd thought I do a summary of all this months happenings,realisations,conclusions,beginnings etc. I know tomorrow is the end of the month- but what the hell.
January starts slowly off in SA- since schools only go back in the middle of the month - but nevertheless- once it starts it does so with a bang!!
I came back to work on the 2'nd only to go on leave again the 9'th - as Pierre had to start work and the kids school only started the 16'th.
Andrew did a golf camp in the first week of Jan- which went much better than when I tried to take him in Dec- probably cause Pierre took him. Unfortuanetly the last 2 days they rained out- but it looks like Andrew enjoyed it as he keeps on asking to go to golf with Daddie.
The whole school thing was a bit of a disater- as I explained
Of the two kids I thought Andrew would battle to settle down- but he seems to be having a ball.
I am enjoying the PSE but it also is sometimes very frustrating- aah well Rome wasn't built in a day.
What can I say about the state of the nation? The energy crisis is a huge concern and everyone seems to have hit a low with regards to the prospects for the country. It is very concerning and depressing.
Taking that into account Pierre and I have decide to put all paperwork, applications and other paraphernalia in place for if we should want to emmigrate. This by no means mean we are going- or even that some countries will accept us- this is just opening a door and seeing if we would like to go through it.Although I feel extremely depressed just typing this. I do not want to leave my home :((
The pic is from Maryn Roos
1 comment:
Wow, I'm surprised at your last statement. That's a change from the last time we spoke about it.
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