How much do reviews (good and bad) affect your choice of reading? If you see a bad review of a book you wanted to read, do you still read it? If you see a good review of a book you’re sure you won’t like, do you change your mind and give the book a try?
I think they affect my reading quite a bit. It's why I picked my reading list for the year- and I must admit the book I'm reading now - The Thirteenth tale by Diane Setterfield is not something I would have picked up ordinarily.
Oh please tell me how you like "The Thirteenth Tale". I thought about picking that one up but wasn't sure what the story is about hehe.
Hope you have a good weekend ahead
I think that's a very interesting book to mention in this context because the reviews were so varied. Some people loved it and others, me included, thought it was mediocre at best. This is probably a reason a good example of why the only truly reliable reviewer is ourself
I have that book in my TBR pile. I have read lots of mixed reviews about this book, so it has to depend on the individual's taste I guess...
Happy BTT!
I have picked up books I never heard of before from other people's reviews.
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
I've not heard of The Thirteenth Tale yet. I guess I need to go check it out.
Reviewing is such a subjective field and I think it's important for readers to remember that. Unless, of course, there are actual flaws in the writing itself.
I love picking up something I would not have ordinarily read and enjoy it! To me that is what reviews are for!
I really loved The Thirteenth Tale but I know a few people who didn't.
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