Friday, May 30, 2008

Four Foods on Friday

Four Foods On Friday #31 questions
This week’s meme is again sponsored by the Four Foods On Friday Players Contest winner for April - Karen.
Here are this week’s four questions. This week I’m again going with four questions that all share a theme. The theme is “barbeque”.
You must understand that bbq- or"braai" as it is affectionately known in SA- is a national pastime and passion- so here we go

#1. What is your favorite food that is cooked on the barbeque?
Lambtjops- although every now and again I also like fish on the bbq

#2. What veggies, if any, do you cook on the barbeque?
Mostly potatoes wrapped in alimunium foil- but we've also done Butternut

#3. Tell us a little about your barbeque habits. Who grills, how often, what months, etc.
Hubbie bbq's - not often enough about once a month - winter and summer time though- as we dont have rain in our winter months and our winter days are normally nice and balmy-anything up from 18 degrees celcius.

#4. Share a barbeque recipe.
This is for to bbq prawns
Wrapped shelled prawns (tiger prawns) in bacon strips
Thread 3 or 4 on a skewer
Baste with mixture of butter and garlic
BBQ until done
Enjoy with a nice fresh salad


valmg said...

Your winters are mild aren't they?
Thanks for playing FFOF!

Corrin said...

I love fish on the bbq! Nice crunchy skin. Yum.

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