On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me:
Six Geese a Laying Five Golden Rings Four Calling Birds Three French Hens Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
Pic is of the angel on top of our tree
After reading about this on Jenty's blog I decided to give it a bash. Let's see how it goes
Rules:- Blog everyday for 365 days.- Feb.29th is a Free Day and will be the Blog365 day of rest!(Thanks Leap Year)- You do not HAVE to post to the same blog as long as you post everyday.- No internet? Write your post locally and post it once you are back on the grid.
Computer Broken? Grab some paper and do some old school blogging.- A post is a post, not everything has to be in writing. Photos, YouTube videos, and the like are all considered content.- Have fun, because that's the whole point!
Note:If you post offline work, consider changing the date on the post to reflect the day you actually created the content
Oooh cool! You're also looney :) Have you registered?
jip- I have!!
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